The best two school years of my life are coming to a close end. God has given me my teachers and so I know I will never lose them. I even believe God will put some of them in my future.
The teachers I believe that he will put in my future are Mrs. Mattingly, Mrs. Geswein, Mrs. Saylor, Mrs. Lang, Mrs. Poole, Mr. Williams, Mr. McGee, and Mr. Stowe. I have many more teachers than that, but some of them may be retired when I get back, which is in 8 to 12 years.
I am very sad to be leaving the school that they teach in because God has used them to change my life. They have done so much for me. They make sure I can be with my friends, they have become my friends, they have taught me much more than just my education and they have taught me inspirational lessons as well.
Mrs. Mattingly has taught me to conquer my fear of standing up for myself. She has helped me to be able to talk to my teachers without being afraid. I have been able to show my teachers how I feel about certain things with any fear involved because of her.
Mrs. Geswein has been proud of me when I stand for myself in front of her and that right there is inspiration.
Mrs. Saylor has helped me whenever I need anything. She has been my go to person if I need something. She makes sure I have time with my friend Dominic when the opportunity comes up for us to have that time together in school. She has talked to my teachers for me when I have asked her to.
Mrs. Lang has made a better math student. She has helped me get through tough times, for example when Dominic moved out of my math class. She has picked on me about my relationship with Mrs. Mattingly and that has made us closer.
Mrs. Poole has brought me to realize that I need to tell her when she hasn’t done something for me that she needs to do. I will start doing that more and more in High School.
Mr. Williams has made me a better flute player. He has made sure I see my improvement. He has made sure that I am not afraid when I try out and when I get new music. I feel very proud to be one of his band students. I will miss next year as he goes to school. He has made a much better flute player than I was in 7th grade.
Mr. McGee has helped me to a better flute player as well. He makes sure I have a good day before I walk out of band. He understands how I feel about having time to talk to Dominic.
Mr. Stowe has made me a better social studies student than I was in 6th grade. He has also made me feel like a fabulous girl when I walk into his classroom and through-out class. He encourages me by bragging on me about how well I’m doing in class.
I will still have Mr. McGee next year, but I won’t have any of my other teachers and I’m very sad to be leaving them. I will always be their friend and I know they will be in my future. I will think about them all day every day next year. I will take the lessons that I have learned from them and my education and use it all through high school and college. I know I will improve even more with doing that.
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- Hannah DeForrest
- Hello, My name is Hannah DeForrest. I am a college student in Kentucky studying Early Childhood Education. My blogs are about my experiences becoming a teacher and in the classroom, and the experiences in the other parts of my life. I hope you enjoy reading!!!!!