A few weeks ago, my church had a youth led service and the youth pastor was preaching. I was very touched by his sermon. He talked about how you have to trust God in things that come into your life that you are not ready for. One of the boys in my youth group read a testimony about the Christian influences that he has in his life and I am writing about the same thing.
In 4th- through half on sixth grade, I was homeschooled and my mom told me out of no-where. I was very shocked and upset with my mom because I felt like she didn’t want me to have any friends and I knew I wasn’t going to meet friends with being homeschooled. I had a few friends, but really the people I could lean on are in my family. In 2007, I went to Vermont twice and I could lean on my family back east and during the Christmas season of 07, I was able to realize that it’s ok to lean on people in your family. I grew really close with my Aunt Debbie!
In January of 08 my cousin Jeremy who is one of my major influences moved back to Lubbock, Texas after being in Kentucky with me for a year and a half. Then I was hurting for a very long time and felt like God took him from me! I was hoping he would come back that next summer and he didn’t! I was very upset! God had me wait to see him until spring break of last year! I waited for three and a half years!
Another place I get that kind of influence is from school. In 6th grade I went back to public school and I was very happy with that! My teacher from 6th grade has put some major influence on my life! She has taught me to not be afraid to get good grades! She has taught me to stand up for myself a little bit. Her name is Mrs. Miller. In 7th grade I met a woman who has changed my life and that woman is my language arts teacher from last year. Her name is Mrs. Mattingly. She taught me to conquer some major fears I had for a long time! One is to stand up for myself and the other one is to be able to talk to my teachers about my feelings without any problems with fear. She is the one who really taught me to stand up for myself.
I also have a friend who is the sweetest friend I ever had that is my age! That does not include my adult friends! We are in band together and we used to be in math together, but it was too hard for him so he got moved in to a lower level math class! I was very upset that I cried in math the next day for about 20 minutes! The next day Dominic and I had our All-district auditions and while I was in my audition Dominic was talking to my parents and my mom told him that I was upset so when I came out he told me that he will always be my friend! I was very blessed. After my parents left we found out that he made it! We were jumping all around and we were very happy for him until we found out that I did not make it! He felt so bad for me and I did not want him to because he made a major accomplishment! He is a total true friend.
The next influence is my mom! I would not get through school if it wasn’t for my mom! She helps me so much with my homework and helps me solve my problems with kids! She is the greatest mom in the world.
The last two people on my influences list are my youth leaders! Ann has done so much for me! She has prayed for me and other people when I have asked her too! She also helps me through so many things. Joe has helped me to become a better friend and is helping me see God’s love for me!
All of these influences have helped me to realize that God put me in these people’s lives for a reason and he put them in my life for a reason!
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- Hannah DeForrest
- Hello, My name is Hannah DeForrest. I am a college student in Kentucky studying Early Childhood Education. My blogs are about my experiences becoming a teacher and in the classroom, and the experiences in the other parts of my life. I hope you enjoy reading!!!!!